First step in school is a big challenge for your kid. New school is a separate and very unknown environment for each and every kid. It could create panic and fear in your kid’s mind. Being a parent you have a huge responsibility to make it easy and comfortable for the child. Here are a few tips to guide your child to start the journey smoothly.
1. Tell good stories about school
Tell interesting stories about school to make the environment easy and friendly. Sometimes take your kid to school, enter into the school, show the good things, play in the ground. Talk to other kids and let your kid feel how happy they are. They will be familiar with the new place before starting.
2. Tell your school life experience
Share the story of your school life memories, how happy you were. Tell about the friends you made in your school. Tell your teachers how great they were. Show the photograph and other rewards provided by your school.
3. Make new friends in the school
Ask the school administrator and arrange a playdate with other children. It will help make your kid happy and interesting and positive.
4. Teach your kid to do
Few things your little one has to do by herself/himself. Practice fastening buttons and zippers, putting on a bag, hanging coat or jacket on hook, opening water bottle. Let your baby put on shoes and open.
5. Prepare school life habits
The entire routine will be changed when your kid starts preschool. So practice the same schedule before starting. Before a few weeks, make a habit of wake-up and going to bed. Give a separate water bottle and tiffin to use by your kid. Adjust with bathroom time and change clothes.
6. Know from your child
Ask your kid about the school you have visited and understand his opinion of what’s in his mind. Try to solve the fear or anything odd in his reply. Discuss various interesting things your baby watched in school. Let your kid ask you about the school and other things related to it.
7. Let your child stay alone
It is one of the toughest situation when your kid stay alone without your absence for long time in the school. Practice it at school time, keep your baby busy in playing or studying alone.